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Both the complete absence of guilt and also an unhealthy amount of excess guilt is detrimental. Healthy remorse must lead to genuine repentance.
After murdering Uriah and committing adultery with Bathsheba, King David tried to cover up his sin. For one full year, he had deceived himself into thinking that God didn't notice his heinous sin or probably he had his own reasons to justify his actions.

This is an example of absence of guilt. Only after the confrontation by the Prophet Nathaniel, he was convicted in his heart and hence was born the wonderful Psalm 51.

God hates that we should continualy live with guilt, remorse and negativity for our wrongs, but it is an undeniable fact that King David should have repented much earlier as he had broken two of the ten commandments in one stroke.
After we sin, we should run TO the Lord, not run FROM the Lord. Peter is an example of this. He didn't allow his guilt to hamper his relationship with the Lord Jesus. He wept bitterly, didn't repeat the same mistake again and died as a martyr. But then again we have Judas Iscariot the traitor, the disciple who betrayed the Lord with a kiss.

His guilt didn't get channeled into genuine repentance and he instead ended up taking his own life. This is a classic example of a totally counter productive, unhealthy guilt. Who knows, God might have even forgiven Judas had he repented without taking his life, for His mercy knows no bounds.
Of course, this doesn't mean we can keep on sinning or that we have gotten a free license to sin and ask for forgiveness anytime. No! But at the same time, God wants us to move ahead and not get stuck with a heavy burden on our shoulders, which is guilt.

I would even go to the extent of saying that guilt is not even a Christian emotion because the precious Lord Jesus Christ shed His own spotless and Holy blood for us. God the Father now looks at every believer as though we lived the life of Jesus because of Jesus' righteousness.

Christianity is not a legalistic religion. We can never please God with our works. The Word Of God says "All our righteousness are as filthy rags". In fact, the law was given in the Old Testament to make the Israelites understand this very concept that none can please God with works. Only grace and mercy because of the Lord Jesus' sacrifice on the cross can justify a person. The Word Of God says, "It is a free gift so that none can boast".

So, if anyone of you are struggling with guilt, can I encourage you to throw away your guilt and find comfort in the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself is your righteousness. Don't allow unnecessary guilt to hinder your invaluable relationship with Jesus for the joy of the Lord is your strength ( Nehemiah 8:10).

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