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Even though our mind subconsciously plans for the next day, it is important to focus on the gift from God, which is the present day.


In this new year, many of us take new resolutions.

And one of the most important resolutions we can think of this brand new year is to make optimum use of the present. It is good to plan for tomorrow, but that shouldn't distract us from our 'today'.
We mustn't compromise today for tomorrow .

This concept is echoed beautifully in the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. He says, "Which of you can add an hour to his life by worrying. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own".

This is just my two cents for this new year. We are all running desperately after something. We should learn to rest in the Lord's embrace and settle down this year.

Rest is indispensable and ubiquitous for all humans. Bear in mind even God the Father rested after His creation of 6 days. He blessed and sanctified the seventh day. But we see even Christians working for seven full days disobeying and disregarding God's Holy Sabbath. We humans shouldn't make the mistake of profaning the consecrated Sabbath out of our avarice to earn more and more money.
The word of God says," Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. And all these things shall be added unto you".
Yes, money is important. But God is more important. One cannot serve two masters. We should only serve the true Living God.
In this new year, let us adjust our priorities the right way and enjoy the fruits thereof.

Glory to God. Shalom.

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