John 1:12 - But to all who did accept [receive] Him and believe in Him [in His name; the name indicating the character of the person] He gave the right [power; authority] to become children of God.
Matt.18:2-3 - Jesus called a little child to Him and stood the child before His followers [disciples]. Then He said, “I tell you the truth, you must ·change [or turn from your sins; turn] and become like little children. Otherwise, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Luke 6:35 - But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without hoping [expecting] to get anything back. Then you will have a great reward, and you will be children of the Most High God, because He is kind even to people who are ungrateful and full of sin [wicked; evil].

Rom.8:16-17 - And the Spirit Himself joins with [or testifies to] our spirits to say we are God’s children. If we are God’s children, we will receive blessings from God together with Christ. But we must suffer as Christ suffered [share in His sufferings] so that we will have glory as Christ has glory [may share in His glory].
Rom.9:6-8 - It is not that God failed to keep His promise to them. But only some of the people of Israel are truly God’s people [Because not all those (descended) from Israel are Israel], and only some of Abraham’s descendants are true children of Abraham [ nor are all of Abraham’s seed/ descendants (true) children]. But God said to Abraham: “The descendants I promised you will be from Isaac [or Through Isaac your descendants will carry on your name; Gen. 21:12].” This means that not all of Abraham’s descendants [it is not the children of the flesh who] are God’s true children. [But; Rather] Abraham’s true children [Those counted as Abraham’s descendants/seed] are those who become God’s children because of the promise God made to Abraham [the children of the promise].
Eph.5:1 - You are God’s children whom He loves, so try to be like [imitate] Him.
Eph.5:8 - In the past you were full of darkness, but now you are full of light in the Lord. So live [walk] like children who belong to [living in; of] the light.
1Thes.5:5 - [For] You are all people who belong to the light [children/sons of the light] and who belong to [children/sons of] the day. We do not belong to the night or to darkness.
Phil.2:15 - Then you will be innocent [blameless] and without any wrong [innocent; pure; harmless], God’s children without fault [blemish; as are sacrificial animals]. But you are living with people that are crooked and evil […in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation; Deut. 32:5], among whom you shine like stars in the dark world [or sky; world].
Heb.12:7-8 - So hold on through your sufferings, because they are like a father’s discipline [Persevere in discipline]. God is treating you as children [or sons]. All children are [For what child/son is not…?] disciplined by their fathers. 8 If you are never disciplined (and every child [or son] must be disciplined), you are not true children [illegitimate and not (true) children/sons].
1John 3:9 - Those [All] who are God’s children [born of/begotten by God] do not continue sinning [or sin], because the new life from God [or God’s message; or God’s Spirit; His seed/sperm] remains [abides] in them. They are not able to go on sinning [or sin], because they have become children of God [are born of/ begotten by God].
1John 3:10 - So we can see [In this way it is apparent/revealed/evident] who God’s children are and who the devil’s children are: Those who do not do what is right [practice righteousness] are not God’s children [from/of God], and those who do not love their brothers and sisters are not God’s children [from/of God].
1John 3:18 - My children, we should love people not only with words and talk [in word and tongue], but by our actions and true caring [or by showing true love through our actions; in deed and truth].
1John 5:2 - This is how [By/In this] we know we love God’s children: when we love God and obey [perform; carry out] His commands.