Living a life of selflessness is..
Placing God first in our lives.
Loving others as ourselves.
Forgiving those who have wronged us.
Serving others.
1) Placing God first in our lives.
John 3:30 – “He must ·become greater [increase], and I must ·become less important [decrease].”
Matt.6:33 – “Seek first [Be concerned above all else with] God’s kingdom and what God wants [L his righteousness]. Then all your other needs will be met as well [L these things will be given to you].”
Heb.12:1,2 – “Therefore, since we are surrounded by a great cloud of people whose lives tell us what faith means [ witnesses], let us run the race that is before us and never give up [with endurance/perseverance]. We should [Let us] remove from our lives [get rid of; cast aside] anything that would get in the way [impedes/hinders us] and the sin that so easily holds us back [entangles/clings to us]. Let us look only to [keep our eyes on] Jesus, the One who began [Pioneer/Founder of; or Leader/Prince of] our faith and who makes it perfect.”
2) Loving others as ourselves.
Mark 12:31 – “The second command is this: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself’ [Lev. 19:18]. There are no commands more important [greater] than these.”
1 John 3:11 – “This is the teaching [message] you have heard from the beginning: We must love each other [as Jesus himself taught: John 13:34–35; 15:12].”
1 John 3:18 – “My children, we should love people not only with words and talk [in word and tongue], but by our actions and true caring [or by showing true love through our actions; in deed and truth].”
1 John 4:20,21 – “If people say, “I love God,” but hate their brothers or sisters [fellow believers], they are liars. [For] Those who do not love their brothers and sisters [fellow believers], whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have never seen. And God gave us this command [ we have this command from him]: Those who love God must also love their brothers and sisters.”
John 13:34 – ““I give you a new command [commandment]: Love each other [one another]. You must love each other [T one another] as I have loved you.”
3) Forgiving those who have wronged us.
Col.3:13 – “Bear with [Make allowances for; Be patient with] each other, and forgive each other. If someone does wrong to you [has a grievance/complaint against someone], forgive that person because the Lord forgave you.”
Matt.6:12 – “Forgive us for our sins [L debts], just as we have forgiven those who sinned against us [ our debtors; sin is pictured as a debt owed].”
1Cor.13:7 – “Love patiently accepts all things [bears all things; or always protects], always trusts [ believes all things], always hopes [hopes all things], and always endures [ endures all things].”
4) Serving others.
Phil.2:3,4 – “When you do things, do not let selfishness [rivalry; selfish ambition] or pride be your guide. Instead, be humble and give more honor [regard; value] to others than to yourselves. Do not be interested only in your own life [look out for your own interests], but be interested in the lives of others [look out for others’ interests].”
Gal.5:13 – “My brothers and sisters, God called you to be free [ freedom], but do not use your freedom as an excuse to do what pleases [opportunity/occasion for] your sinful self [sinful nature; flesh]. [ But; Rather] Serve each other with love.”
Eph.6:6-8 – "You must do this not only while they are watching you, to please them. But as slaves [bondservants] of Christ, do what God wants [God’s will] with all your heart. Do your work with enthusiasm [willingly; cheerfully]. Work as if you were serving the Lord, not people. Remember that the Lord will give a reward to everyone, slave or free, for doing good."